Sunday, July 9, 2017

Why does music speak when words fail?

One of my first memories as a young child relates to music. I can't sing, or play an instrument, but music has been my life for literally as far back as I can remember.  I'm the girl that remembers most songs from the first note, and who relates more songs to memories  than I can count. I'm the mother that played music for my babies before they were born.  From Louis Armstrong to Linkin Park, there is not a day that music is not part of my life.

The word "music" conjures up different ideas to different people.  From being sung at birthdays, to Christmas music, to the chills you get when that song comes on.  Music is passion, and regret, anger, and fear all rolled into one.  It can be your friend when you're lonely. It can be your enemy when that lyric comes on that makes your heart feel like it has shattered into a million pieces When you need to express how you feel, and can't find your own words, there are songs in droves that can say exactly what you want others to know. 

In short, this blog sets out to share my love of music, the songs that speak to me, and for me.  You'll find music reviews, music rants, and maybe you'll find some song you haven't heard of, that you will fall in love with the way I have. 

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